is yoga evil or demonic

Is Yoga Evil or Demonic

For most people, yoga is either a means of moving the body or reducing stress. Likely it is both! For others it is a means of opening the body so it is able to sit effortlessly in meditation. To sit the body down, and then abandon it entirely, was the goal of the original yogic practitioners. None of these goals are influenced by evil or demonic forces (perhaps pushing the body into the splits before it is ready can be seen as a foolish act, guided by a demonic ego…).

Perhaps some people are connecting yoga to demonic powers because of its association to ancient texts and images that might induce fear, such as Kali holding a decapitated head.

What people don’t understand, is that these images are meant to be symbolic and unfortunately their true essence is often lost in translation. Even the Anjali Mudra, where the hands are held together in prayer or the chanting of mantras can instil distaste and even fear in those that oppose religion and mysticism.   

What Yoga IS!


Yoga means ‘union’ or ‘connection’ and this has been interpreted as being the connection of the body to the mind, movement to the breath, or the self with the ultimate reality, or consciousness.

Each of these connections sever the tie to the ego and even if this is momentary, there is a consequent calming effect on the mind and nervous system and a relaxation of the entire being.

Yoga further aligns the body, increases flexibility and works to stimulate and fire up the internal organs. When we are able to move with the breath we are cultivating a meditative state, which opens the mind to stillness and peace.

What Yoga is NOT

A common misconception is that yoga is a religion, which is false. Yoga might be part of someone’s spiritual or religious practice, but you do not have to be religious to practice yoga. For many, yoga is a means of physical exercise and releasing tension from the body. For others it is a way to ease psychological suffering.

The original purpose was to prepare the body so the being can more effectively do the spiritual work necessary to comprehend the ego, release that which is not serving and come in the beauty of the present moment.   

Yoga is For All  

Both yoga and meditation can and should be practiced by all, regardless of religious background, no religious background, spiritual beliefs, or no spiritual belief. It is truly for everyone at all ages and stages of life and can be used to balance the body and mind.

There is a lot of wisdom to be found in the ancient yogic texts, but they are by no means a prerequisite to practicing. The practice itself was developed as a comprehensive system for well being on all levels, from the physical to the mental and so many people all over the world are utilizing it to improve their quality of life.

Featured Video: Yoga Evil or Demonic


The true essence of yoga is love. It is a means of awakening from an illusory ego (which would better fit the labels of evil and demonic) and unifying the mind with the body. It can be used as a mere physical workout or as an expansion of psychology that cultivates mindfulness and stillness. It detaches us from thoughts that do not serve and as a result we are less stressed, less anxious and less depressed.

The mind loves to hypnotise us with distraction and unease but when we focus attention on the breath, the body and the present moment, we are able to let all of that go.


Charlie Hanna

Charlie is a Yoga Alliance certified Hatha, Yin Yoga & Meditation teacher with a psychology degree in her back pocket. She is currently on a mission, chasing sun and Read More..

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