Have you ever wondered if you can practice gentle yoga for menstruation flow? Maybe you are looking for a physical activity that won’t go against the natural rhythm of your period. Or perhaps you would like to modify your normal exercise routine during this time of the month.
According to the Office of Women’s Health, “Many women wonder whether it is OK to work out during their period. The answer is easy: Yes! In fact, you may find that you can be more physically active, and at a greater intensity, at certain times of the month than at other times.”
A woman’s hormones flow in a cyclical pattern throughout the menstrual cycle. It’s common for women to experience fatigue in the week before their period due to falling hormone levels. During menstruation, a woman’s hormone levels are at their lowest as her body is going through a cleansing process . After this time of cleansing is over, hormone levels begin to rise again, along with energy levels.
You may find it beneficial to adapt your exercise routine to accommodate for these natural hormonal changes. Gentle yoga for menstruation can be an excellent practice to include into your routine during your period. Through moving your breath and body in a gentle flow, you can bring about positive changes in both your body and mind.
Yoga for Menstruation (Gentle Flow) Infographic
![Yoga for Mensturation Yoga for Mensturation](https://jivayogalive.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Yoga-for-Mensturation.jpg)
Try This 20 Minute Practice of Gentle Yoga for Menstruation Flow!
This is the perfect way to get in movement, even on days when you’re feeling tired. The focus of this class is to gently stretch the body while working with the natural flow of your period.
You can also grab a thin blanket to place underneath your hips and back for extra comfort. Enjoy lying down on your mat, taking deep breaths, and nourishing your body and mind during this gentle yoga for menstruation flow!
Yoga for Menstruation (Gentle Flow)
1. Reclining Bound Angle Pose - Supta Baddha Konasana
Reclined bound angle pose gently stretches the muscles of the inner thighs and pelvis. Opening the hips helps to promote the downward and outward flow of menstruation.
- Begin lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. It may help to place a blanket underneath your hips for extra comfort.
- Bring the souls of your feet to touch. Allow your knees to fall open towards the Earth.
- Place one hand on your lower abdomen and one hand on your heart. If it feels comfortable for you, close your eyes. Begin to take deep breaths in and out through your nose.
- With each exhale, allow the muscles of your thighs to soften as your knees fall towards the mat. Stay here for as long as you like.
![reclining bound angle pose reclining bound angle pose](https://jivayogalive.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/reclining-bound-angle-pose-1.jpg)
2. Knee Drop Twist Stretch
Flow your legs back and forth in a windshield wiper motion to stretch the muscles of the legs and pelvis. If you suffer from cramps or bloating, knee drop twists can be very helpful in your practice of yoga for menstruation.
- Lay on your back with your knees bent and the souls of your feet flat on the Earth.
- On your exhale, allow both knees to drop to the right while keeping your feet planted into the mat. On your inhale, lift both knees back up into the original position.
- On your next exhale, drop both knees to the left while keeping your feet stationary. On your inhale, lift both knees back up into the original position.
- Allow your breath to lead your movement as you move your knees from side to side in a windshield wiper-like motion. Do this for as long as you wish before coming to center. Rest and breathe.
![knee drop twist stretch knee drop twist stretch](https://jivayogalive.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/knee-drop-twist-stretch-1.jpg)
3. Wind Relieving Pose - Pavana Muktasana
Wind relieving pose provides a gentle stretch in the lower back and promotes feelings of relaxation during yoga for menstruation. Plus, sometimes it feels really nice to give yourself a hug!
- Lay flat on your back with your knees bent. Allow the souls of your feet to rest on your mat.
- On your exhale, bring both knees in towards your chest. Wrap your arms around your shins, hugging them in towards your torso.
- Continue breathing as you gently rock from side to side, massaging your lower back on the ground.
- When you feel ready, release your legs, and use your hands to press you up into a comfortable seated position.
![wind relieving pose wind relieving pose](https://jivayogalive.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/wind-relieving-pose.jpg)
4. Cat Cow Pose - Marjaryasana - Bitilasana
Flowing gently through cat and cow poses can help to relieve any pain or tension in the muscles of the pelvis and abdomen. In the practice of yoga for menstruation, this posture can be one of your best allies!
- Begin in a table top position on your hands and knees. Stack your wrists underneath your shoulders and your knees underneath your hips.
- Start from a straight spine. On your inhale, drop your belly towards the ground as you lift your chin towards the sky.
- On your exhale, gently engage your abdomen to round your back and tuck your chin into your chest. Allow your breath to guide your movement as you move back and forth between the two positions.
- When you feel ready, return to a neutral table top position on your hands and knees with a straight spine.
![cat cow pose cat cow pose](https://jivayogalive.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/cat-cow-pose-3.jpg)
5. Child Poses - Balasana
Child’s pose helps to stretch the muscles of the pelvis while lengthening the spine. Spreading your knees wide and breathing deep in this posture helps to promote the downward and outward flow of menstruation.
- Begin on your hands and knees in a table top position. Bring your big toes to touch as you spread your knees wide on the mat.
- As you exhale, sit your hips back towards your heels as you come to rest your upper body down towards the mat.
- Stretch your arms out long in front of you. Allow your forehead to make contact with the mat. Breathe deep in and out through your nose as you stretch your spine long. Stay here for as long as feels comfortable.
- Inhale to come out of the pose, using your hands to lift your upper body out of the forward fold. Rest and breathe.
This child’s pose variation provides a gentle stretch to the sides of the abdomen and inner thighs. Make sure to flow back and forth between the right and left sides to create balance in the body.
- Keep your legs in the same position, with your big toes touching and your knees spread wide on the mat. Sit your hips back towards your heels.
- On your inhale, walk both hands towards the right side of your mat. On your exhale, release your upper body down towards the Earth. Rest your forehead on the ground as you breathe, continue to reach both arms long towards the right. Feel the stretch all along the left side of your body as you rest.
- On your inhale, use your hands to press your upper body out of the forward fold. Walk your hands towards the middle of the mat. As you exhale, release your upper body down towards the Earth, reaching your arms long. Rest your forehead on the mat as you stretch your spine long.
- To come out of the pose, use your hands to press your upper body up and out of the forward fold. Do the same motions towards the opposite side.
![child poses child poses](https://jivayogalive.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/child-poses-2.jpg)
6. Head To Knee Pose - Janu Sirsasana
Head to knee pose is calming to the nervous system and promotes a gentle inward flow of attention. Stretching the back of the legs and breathing deep can help to promote feelings of relaxation during your practice of yoga for menstruation.
- Begin in a seated position with both legs stretched out long in front of you. You can sit your hips on a blanket for extra comfort if you have tight hamstrings.
- Bend your right knee, bringing the soul of your right foot to rest on your left inner thigh.
- On your inhale, stretch your spine long while reaching both arms overhead. On your exhale, hinge forward from your hips, folding your upper body over your left leg. Breathe in and out through your nose as you maintain a straight spine.
- On an inhale, begin to lift your torso up and out of the forward fold. Sitting in an upright position, bring both legs straight out in front of you on the mat. Rest and breather before repeating the same motions towards the opposite side.
![head to knee pose head to knee pose](https://jivayogalive.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/head-to-knee-pose.jpg)
7. Easy Pose - Sukhasana
Easy pose provides a gentle stretch to the hips while creating space in the sides of the abdomen. Reaching your arms long overhead while flowing with breath can be a great way to relieve any pain you may be experiencing during menstruation.
- Sit in an easy seated position on the floor with your legs crossed in front of you. If you have tight hips it may help to sit on top of a folded blanket.
- Make sure both hips maintain a firm connection to the ground beneath you. Relax your legs.
- On your inhale, lift both arms out towards your sides and up overhead as you stretch your spine long.
- On your exhale, lower your arms down towards your sides as you bring your hands to rest on your knees.
![easy pose easy pose](https://jivayogalive.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/easy-pose-1.jpg)
8. Revolved Easy Pose - Parivrtta Sukhasana
Revolved easy pose can help to create space in the spine while massaging the muscles and organs of the abdomen. Make sure to flow through both sides to promote balance in the body during your practice of yoga for menstruation.
- Sit in an easy seated position on the floor with your legs crossed in front of you. If you have tight hips it may help to sit on top of a folded blanket.
- On your inhale, lift both arms out towards your sides and overhead as you stretch your spine long. On your exhale, lower your arms down as you gently twist towards the right. Rest your right hand on the floor behind you like a kickstand. Bring your left hand to your right knee.
- Continue breathing. As you inhale, elongate your spine. As you exhale, twist towards the right. If it feels comfortable for you, you can turn your head to look out over your right shoulder.
- On your inhale, slowly start to come out of the twist, lifting both arms overhead, and stretching your spine long. On your exhale, lower your arms down towards your sides before repeating the same motions towards the opposite side.
![revolved easy pose revolved easy pose](https://jivayogalive.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/revolved-easy-pose-2.jpg)
9. Bound Angle Forward Bend - Baddha Konasana Uttanasana
Bound angle forward bend promotes feelings of comfort and relaxation which can be very helpful during the practice of yoga for menstruation. Stay in this pose as long as you like, allowing your breath to flow in and out through your nose. Feel your stress melt away as you rest and breathe.
- Resting in a comfortable seated position, bring the souls of your feet to touch. Allow your knees to splay open as they fall out towards the sides.
- On your inhale, stretch your spine long. Exhale as you allow your head to surrender down towards the Earth. Tuck your chin in towards your chest as you round your spine. Rest your hands on your feet.
- Breathe in and out through your nose. Allow the muscles in your back and neck to soften as your knees fall down towards the mat. Stay here for as long as you like.
- Inhale to lift your torso up and out of the forward fold. Bend your knees and rest the souls of your feet on the mat. Rest your hands on the floor behind your torso. You can drop your knees from side to side in a windshield wiper like motion to release any tension from your lower back.
![bound angle forward bend bound angle forward bend](https://jivayogalive.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/bound-angle-forward-bend.jpg)
10. Reclined Bound Angle Pose - Supta Baddha Konasana
Lying in reclined bound angle pose helps to promote the downward and outward flow of menstruation. Feel your body relax as your knees gently open towards the sides, stretching the muscles of the pelvis and inner thighs.
- Lay on your back with your knees bent and the souls of your feet flat on the mat. You can place a blanket underneath your hips for extra comfort.
- Bring the souls of your feet to touch as you drop your knees out towards the sides. Relax your knees down towards the mat as you feel the stretch in the muscles of your legs and hips.
- Inhale to reach your arms over head. Keep a bend in your elbows as you bring the tips of your thumbs and pointer fingers to touch with your palms open towards the sky. Release your arms into the Earth as you maintain the diamond shape with your hands resting above your head.
- Rest and breathe in and out through your nose for as long as you wish. To come out of the pose, release your arms down towards your sides. Bring the souls of your feet to rest on the mat with bent knees.
![reclined bound angle pose reclined bound angle pose](https://jivayogalive.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/reclining-bound-angle-pose.jpg)
11. Corpse Pose - Shavasana
In corpse pose, allow your entire body to relax into the floor beneath you. Feel all of the benefits of this gentle yoga for menstruation flow sink in as you rest and breathe.
- Lay flat on your back with your legs stretched out long and your arms resting near your sides. You may place a rolled up blanket underneath your knees for comfort in the lower back.
- Release all effort here. Allow your palms to face up and your feet to splay out towards the sides.
- Rest here and take deep breaths in and out through your nose. Feel a grounding, nurturing energy as you allow all of the benefits of your practice to sink in. Stay here for as long as you wish.
![corpse pose corpse pose](https://jivayogalive.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/corpse-pose-2.jpg)
Featured Video: Yoga for Menstruation (Gentle Flow)
Yoga for Menstruation FAQs
Question: Can women do yoga during menstruation?
Answer: Yes! Women can practice yoga during menstruation. It’s important to listen to your body and change your practice if you are experiencing low energy levels. Avoid inverted postures, or poses where you turn the body upside down, so that you do not disrupt the natural flow of menstruation.
Question: Which type of yoga is best to do while on your period?
Answer: It’s best to do a gentle yoga practice that goes along with the natural flow of menstruation. Yoga postures that are done seated or lying down can be helpful to stretch the body while allowing for gentle movement.
I hope you enjoyed this gentle yoga for menstruation flow. During your period it’s common to experience low energy levels due to hormonal changes. However, it may be beneficial to incorporate gentle movement into your daily routine.
These moves are safe to practice during menstruation and can be a great addition to your regular exercise regimen. Remember to listen to your body and go with the flow while on your period! By tuning in and choosing gentle movement, you can experience great benefits in both your body and mind!